Our Story

Our story started back in May 7, 1988 where we both met for the first time at a mutual friend's birthday celebration. We instantly became the best of friends and dated exclusively for 10 years until we married on May 8, 1998. About 4 years into our marriage we were finally ready to start our family, but little did we know we would struggle with this idea becoming a reality. As we began to explore the many options available to start our family, we immediately decided on adoption. Once we explored both domestic & international adoption, we fell in love with the China Adoption program which offered healthy baby girls at 6 months and older, and at the time ( 2006 ) placements were generally taking 6 months to a year after submitting a Dossier. 

Perhaps our biggest inspiration to even consider adoption was our God-Daughter Ivi, whom we were so blessed to have developed such an amazing bond with since she was born in 1998. We will cherish all of the wonderful memories we shared during many years of helping to raise her during her childhood along with her younger brother. They will always be loved and have a special place in our hearts.

Our Wedding- May 8, 1998
Ivi - 1 year old- “Luv You”
w/ Ivi our inspiration
Ivi - 10 years old
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